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Cleaning Granite Countertops- FAQs

If you love to be in the kitchen, granite countertops are a great option for you. They can beautify and thus make you feel good when cooking as well as increase the property’s value. It is the perfect material for a busy kitchen due to its ability to withstand everyday wear and tear. It is also quite resistant to scratches. 

However, to maintain the charm of Granite au Sommet countertops, you must know how to clean them properly. Cleaning involves removing any stains as well as disinfecting the area. Making sure that the surface is free of germs is important to protect your family’s health. 

Common questions about cleaning granite countertops 

  • Which materials should you not use to clean granite?

One should not use acidic substances like vinegar, lime, or lemon; anything with ammonia or bleach should be avoided. Using products that contain abrasive and harsh chemicals will weaken the sealant over time and ruin the counter’s appearance. Try to use the least harsh chemicals and a microfiber cloth to wipe the surface. 

  • How often should I clean my granite countertops?

If you want to retain the charm and shine of your newly installed granite countertops, then you must wipe them with a cloth at least once daily. However, if you spill something on the surface while working, you will need to clean it instead of waiting immediately. The more you let the liquid sit on the surface, the harder it becomes to clean the stain. 

  • Do granite countertops need a special cleaner?

Yes, there are cleaners specially made for granite. You should not use any DIY methods or acidic materials to clean stains. Always buy special granite cleaners with the least harmful chemicals. If you are not sure which one would be the best option, you may consult with a granite shop owner and consult the experts. They may be able to recommend good products. 

  • Does water ruin granite?

Water does not ruin granite. However, if water seeps through the stone, it can discolor it and ruin its appearance. You need to be cautious, especially about hard water. If your countertop is sealed, the water won’t seep inside, but it will stay on the surface. Letting water sit on a sealed granite surface can leave a darker spot, which requires extra effort to clean. 

  • What scratches granite?

Even though granite is a fairly durable and strong stone, it can get stretched by sharp kitchen tools such as a knife. This is why it is recommended to use a cutting board to cut fruits and vegetables to avoid cutting through the seal. 

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